Državno rusko dramsko pozorište „Stanislavski” / State Russian Drama Theatre Named after Stanislavsky

Dana Sideros
„ZID ŽIVIH / “The Wall of the Living”

Režiser / Director – Stanislav Vasilyev
Scenografi / Set Designers – Yelena Kim, Stanislav Vasilyev
Muzika / Music Arrangement – Zoya Borodina
Pomoćnik režisera / Assistant Director – Anastassiya Ivanova
Dizajner svetla / Lighting Designer – Denis Tsvetkov

Igraju / Cast
KSJUŠA / Xusha – Anna Sukhanova
Anton – Anton Zvonov
TAISIJA / Taisiya – Lyudmila Pekusheva
VALOĐA / Volodya – Alexey Brailko
Irina – Dina Semenenko
RAJA / Raya – Irina Gorodkova
FAJA / Faya – Nadezhda Veber
Lera – Marina Marycheva
VLASNIK KAFANE / Сafe owner – Galina Turchina
KONOBARICA / Waitress – Darya Danilina
STARAC / Old man – Vladimir Levterov
MASOVNE SCENE / Mass scenes – Artyom Zhangirov, Pavel Kondratyev, Nina Crutsevich, Olga Tsvetkova, Play is led by Irina Nikolayeva

– Svi mi završavamo smrću, – konstatuje režiser Stanislav Vasiljev. Svi koji su rođeni, umreće. Smrt predstavlja iskušenje. Smrt traži pripremu …
Baka Taisija ima osamdeset četiri godine, ali nije uspela da se pripremi. Bila je na “ratnoj nozi” sa sopstvenom savešću. Muči je prošlost. Polako ludi, tone u senilnost, zaboravlja dnevne događaje i meša prošlost i sadašnjost. Njena tragedija je u tome što svojevremeno nije umela da pruži toplinu svojoj deci. Ćerka joj je umrla, sin živi daleko i kao da je zaboravio majku.
Brine o unucima, Ksjuši i Antonu, koji su u teškoj situaciji. Oni postaju ličnosti iz bakine daleke prošlosti. Oblače odeću njegog sina, mrtve kćeri i mrtvog prijatelja i tako omogućavaju Taisiji da se oprosti od njih i kaže im koliko žali zbog svega. Dani koje su proveli sa bakom na umoru, pomogli su im da shvate najvažnije stvari o životu i ljubavi.

– We all end up with death, – says director Stanislav Vasilyev. Everyone who is born will die. Death is a temptation. Death demands preparation …
Grandma Taisiya is eighty-four years old, but she has failed to prepare. She is on a “war foot” with her own conscience. She is tormented by the past. She slowly goes crazy, sinking into senility, forgetting that day’s events, and confusing the past time with the present. Her tragedy is in the fact that, in her time, she could not provide warmth to her children. Her daughter is already dead, her son lives far away, and seems to have forgotten about his mother.
She is in charge of her grandchildren, Xiusha and Anton, who are in a difficult situation. They become the personages of their grandma’s distant past. They put on the clothing of her son, her dead daughter, and a dead friend, and thus enable Taisiya to say goodbye and how sorry she is about everything. These days with their dying grandmother helped them to figure out the most important things about life and love.

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