Kantabrija / Cantabria
F.G. Lorka / F.G. Lorca
Adaptacija / Adaptation – Pati Domenech
Režiser / Director – Pati Domenech-Jorge Lopez
Scenski asistent / Stage Assistant – Mario Domenech
Kostimograf / Costume Designer – Paula Roca
Igraju / Cast
Maria Vidal
Lorka uspeva da dopre do publike odvojen od pozorišne estetike, uvodeći osnovne probleme savremenog španskog društva, kroz farsu, komediju, ironiju i dramu, koji su bili uzrok poznatih skandala i kontroverzi njegovog vremena. Baš kao što je to radio Lorka, mi smo sebi postavili za cilj da ponovo kreiramo priču na kojoj je pesnik zasnovao svoje delo, praveći živahnu i relevantnu predstavu, dostupnu savremenoj publici, i dajući scenografiji kritičnu i kreativnu funkciju. Drugim rečima, uvođenjem ideja i predlaganjem važnih pitanja kako bi se ovaj mit osavremenio u novom kontekstu.
Ova interdisciplinarna predstava, u kojoj se smenjuju pevanje, flamenko i savremeni ples, gluma i video projekcije, sadrži tri tragične priče koje se prepliću. Priča o stvarnim ljudima koji su inspirisali Lorku, 1928. godine, priča o majci, mesecu i nevesti iz Lorkine drame i priča o Frederiku, kao glavnom liku u drami koji završava sramotnom i apsurdnom smrću.
Majka, Nevesta, Mesec, svi neumitno tragični likovi, snažno izranjaju iz ove monodrame koja sledi ideju koja je započeta sa “Antoninim srcem”, kao novim i uzbudljivim izazovom za Mariju Vidal, glumicu koja igra sve te likove, kao i za novu publiku.
Lorca manages to get to the audiences pulled apart from theatrical aesthetic, introducing the basic problems of contemporary Spanish society through farce, comedy, irony and drama, which were the cause of the most notorious scandals and controversies of his time. Just as Lorca did, we set ourselves the goal of recreating the story in which the poet based his work, producing vivid and relevant performances accessible to contemporary audience, and giving the staging a critical and creative function. In other words, introducing ideas and suggesting important questions in order to update the myth in this new context.
In this interdisciplinary show, where the singing, flamenco and contemporary dance, acting and video projections combine, there are three tragic stories that weave together. The story of the real people who inspired Lorca in 1928, the story of the mother, the moon and the bride of Lorca’s drama and Frederico’s story, as the main actor in a drama that ends with an obscene and absurd death.
The Mother, the Bride, the Moon, all unquestionably tragic characters, strongly emerge in this monodrama that pursues the idea that started with
“Antigona’s Heart”, as a new and exciting challenge both for Maria Vidal, the actress who plays them, as for the new audiences.