
Po motivima poeme Vladimira Majakovskog/
After the poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky

Režija / Directed byKokan Mladenović
Dramaturg / DramaturgeKornelija Goli
Scenoghrafija / Stage DesignMarija Kalabić,
Kostimografija / Costume DesignMarina Sremac
Muzika / MusicIrena Popović
Igraju / Cast
Aniko Kiš
Boris Kučov
Gabor Mesaroš
Emeše Nađabonji
Imre Elek Mikeš
Marta Bereš


Predstava „Oblak u pantalonama“ je nastala po motivima čuvene poeme Vladimira Majakovskog. Režiser je skoncentrisan na dva paralelna toka. Jedan je revolucionarni potencijal poeme Majakovskog, a drugi je, zapravo, komentar na njegovih „Deset poruka o revoluciji“, iz 1909., zbog kojih je proveo deset meseci na robiji.
„Kokan Mladenović komad počinje preplićući „Oblak…“ i „10 zapovesti“ fragmentima o revoluciji da bi kasnije, dopisujući tekst, komentarisao našu neposrednu stvarnost, govoreći, možda najpre, o onom pornografskom u njoj. Za to je dovoljno pratiti televizijski program ili dnevnu štampu. Dramaturg Kornelia Goli priči daje oblik koji ima ritam brze reke koja krči svoj put bez obzira na prepreke.
Baveći se neposrednom stvarnošću našeg društva, reditelj tu sliku prenosi na opšte stanje stvari. Iz slike u sliku suočava nas sa pervertiranom slikom sveta. A vi ćutite, građani – ta rečenica, koja se stalno ponavlja u predstavi, grozničavog ritma, jeste reflektor u oči svih nas u publici. Kokan Mladenović nas, da parafraziramo Artura Milera, podseća na ono što bismo hteli zaboraviti.“

The performance “A Cloud in Trousers” was made after the motives of the famous poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Director concentrates on two parallel courses. One is a revolutionary potential of the Mayakovsky’s poem, and another is, actually, the comment on his “10 Messages about the Revolution”, from 1909, because of which he was imprisoned for nine months.
„Kokan Mladenović starts the performance intertwining “A Cloud …” and “10 Commandments” with fragments about the revolution, and afterwards, adding the text, he comments our immediate reality, speaking, maybe primarily, about its pornographic side. It is enough to watch TV or read papers to see that. Dramaturg Kornelia Goli gives the story a form that has a rhythm of a fast river current clearing its way regardless of barriers.
Dealing with the direct reality of our society, the Director transfers this image to general state of affairs. From image to image, he faces us with a perverted image of the world. And you, citizens, remainsilent!! – this sentence is constantly repeated in the performance, in a feverish rhythm, and it is a spotlight into the eyes of each of us in the audience. To paraphrase Arthur Miller, Kokan Mladenović reminds us on something we would like to forget.“

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