Nina Mazur
Režiser / Director – Linas Zaikauskas
Scenograf / Stage Designer – Margarita Misyukova
Igraju / Cast
HAMLET – Alexander Aladyshev
„HAMLETOVI SNOVI“ predstavljaju monopredstavu-fantaziju, nastalu prema motivima tragedije V. Šekspira. Kako je Hamlet vanvremenski pojam, tako se i tema nove predstave rađa iz pokušaja nekakvog današnjeg «danskog princa» da se razume i vrati filmska traka o tragediji koja se već desila. Nešto poput pres-konferencije ODATLE, odakle nema povratka. U prostoriji — kompjuterski sto sa otvorenim laptopom, pretrpan mikrofonima mnogobrojnih medijskih agencija. Na velikom ekranu iza leđa Hamleta odvija se čas interpretacija rečenice «Biti ili ne biti», koju on nanovo pokušava da razjasni, čas se nižu likovi šekspirovske tragedije, sa kojima on polemiše, naravno, putem skajpa. Halucinantna postavka Linasa Zaikauskasa ima za zadatak da zaintrigira obrazovanog gledaoca, gledaoca koji razmišlja. Istovremeno, ona je namenjena i tzv. generaciji „koja ne čita”, ne samo u svojstvu brzometnog prosvećivanja, već i kao katalizator obrazovno-misaonog procesa.
“DREAMS OF HAMLET“ is a monodrama – fantasy, created after the motives of W. Shakespeare’s tragedy. As Hamlet is a timeless concept, the theme of the new performance was born out of an attempt of a today’s “Danish Prince” to understand and rewind the film tape about the tragedy that has already happened. Something like a press conference from the point of no return. The room is equipped with a computer desk with an open laptop, crowded with the microphones of numerous media agencies. On the big screen behind the Hamlet’s back, the interpretation of the sentence «to be or not to be» is going on, which he tries to explain again; then appear the characters from the Shakespearean tragedies, with whom he argues, of course by Skype. The hallucinatory production by Linas Zaikauskas aims to arouse the interest of an educated spectator, the one that thinks. At the same time, it is intended for the so called generation of “non-readers”, not only as the means of rapid enlightenment , but as a catalyst for the educational and thought process.