Beograd / Belgrade
Branislav Nušić
Adaptacija / Adaptation – Velimir Mitrović, Boško Puletić
Režiser / Director – Velimir Mitrović
Scenograf / Stage Designer – Boris Maksimović
Kostimograf / Costume Designer – Danica Rakočević
Muzika / Music – Branislav Pipović
Igraju / Cast
Gospodin / gentleman – Lepomir Ivković
Gospođa / lady – Vesna Paštrović
Dr Mladen Đaković, lopov / dr Maladen ĐAKOVIĆ, THIEF – Srđan Karanović
Milence, Gospođin ljubavnik / Milence, lady’s lover – Žarko Stepanov
Ana, sobarica Gospođina / Ana, lady’s maid – Jelisaveta Kraradžić
Želja da se na scenu Pozorišta „Slavija” postavi „mala komedija“ „Dva lopova”, jednočinka Branislava Nušića, napisana 1919 godine, a koja je ispunjavala samo oko pola časa pozorišnog trajanja, zahtevala je proširenje njene osnovne teme. Stoga su se adaptatori poduhvatili mukotrpnog posla da isčeprkaju u obimnom Nušićevom komediografskom opusu one motive kojima bi se, kombinovanjem i dopunjavanjem, pomoglo proširenje osnovne teme ovog autorovog dramoleta. Pošlo se od premise da je sam Nušić u svom stvaralaštvu koristio slične ideje, motive, čak iste ličnosti pod drugim imenima – u komponovanju različitih dramskih situacija. Tako se poseglo za odlomcima (scenama, fragmentima, citatima), za spajanjem likova i povezivanjem scena iz njegovih: „Pokojnika”, „Dva lopova”, „Gospođe ministarke”, „Dr”, „Sumnjivog lica”…
Na kraju se dobila interesantna satirična komedija, sa elementima trilera, bogatog zapleta i likova u njoj. Aktuelnost koja iz nje izbija samo dokazuje neprevaziđenost snage Nušićevog duha, njegove pronicljivosti i majstorstva njegovog dramskog stvaralaštva.
The desire to adapt to the stage of the “Slavija“ Theatre the “short comedy“ “Two Thieves“, a one-act play by Branislav Nušić, written in 1919, lasting for only half an hour, required some extension of its basic topic. Therefore, its adapters engaged into strenuous work to winkle the motives out of the Nušić’s comedic opus, which could be used to expand the basic topic of the playwright’s dramolet, by their combining and complementing. They started from the premise that, in his work, Nušić used similar ideas, motives, even the same characters under different names – in creating various dramatic situations. Thus, they started selecting excerpts (scenes, fragments, and quotations), combining characters, and connecting scenes from his comedies: “The Deceased”, “The Two Thieves”, “The Cabinet Minister’s Wife”, “PhD”, “A Suspicious Person”…
At the end, an interesting satirical comedy was produced, with the elements of a thriller, abounding in plots and characters. The actuality that emerges from it proves the unequalled power of the Nušić’s spirit, his acuteness, and mastery of his dramatic creation.